America’s Gas Leak Season

These are surreal times.



NBC News et al

Sweden 2.PNG

Not a real link. Just poor production quality.

Shouldn’t this be more shocking?

What expectations should we have for the nation that invented reality TV when it comes to electing a leader? I guess I thought it was higher  than this. But I get it. Our love for the genre intensified when it got more real and more insane. And the genre spilled into every aspect of our lives, partially through the insipid underground of the internet, liberally democratizing celebrity to any voice loud enough to shatter the white noise fog of everyone else. Reality became “to the loudest goes the spoils, and here we sit at the inevitable conclusion. A cultish personality rises to power by making memes daily, captivating the support of a nation. It was only a matter of time.

This makes not knowing what Aleppo is seem like a total non-issue, right? If you asked him what Allepo was, he would just make something up. He’d start by saying a lot of vague compliments about it: Very big thing, we’re going to very big things. And then, as the first of millions, he would be sold on his own fabrication. We’re going to work well with Aleppo, the last administration didn’t work so well with Aleppo. That’s made things harder, but things are progressing, things are progressing. Now totally convinced that he knows what Aleppo is he’d continue through the press conference with a head of steam after crushing that last question.

We’ve been smoking cigarettes in the tanning booth for a decade, should we really be this shocked we’re feeling a lump? We just wanted to make entertainment more and more accessible, more and more a bigger part of our life. And we have arrived. This guy is a riot. It’s the apex of dark humor.  If we make it out of this era, I think we’re going to remember it fondly. The environment will be irreparably destroyed, Russia will have timeshares in the white house, and the middle class will be broken over the knee of Bane, but let’s not overlook how absurd reality gets to be for oh my god four more years.